2025 ready to book

Bike and Barge
Amsterdam and the Southern Tour

round tour from Amsterdam
  • NL023 / Netherlands
  • Bike and Barge Easy Route suitable for everyone, in good health
    • Flat
    • Paved terrain
    • Up to 45 chilometers per day, with the possibility of skipping the stage by staying on the boat
    • Recommended training: a few rides to get used to the saddle
  • Self-guided Self-guided Travel at your own pace following maps, roadbooks and information material. When travelling, you can always count on our assistance.
  •   Bronze   Silver   Gold   Platinum   Bronze   Silver   Gold   Platinum Comfort and accommodation Four levels of comfort to describe the different types of accommodation.
    Find out more about comfort on this trip under comfort and departures.
  • Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct
  • 8 days
  • round tour from Amsterdam
  • Full board included

from 799

8 days / 1 person +

To know


This bike and boat tour is the perfect introduction to the Netherlands! Starting in Amsterdam, discover some of the most fascinating Dutch cities, including Rotterdam, Utrecht, Haarlem, and Delft. Cycle along canals and past houses with a Nordic character and breathe in a lively atmosphere, rich in culture and history. Enjoy the breeze of the North Sea, between beaches and dunes, and immerse yourself in the "Green Heart" of Holland through its tranquil rural landscape: a true cyclist's paradise.


  • The Wooden Shoe Museum and cheese farm in Zaanse Schans
  • Discovering the ancient blue pottery of Delft
  • The 19 traditional windmills of Kinderdijk

What awaits you

A week in Holland, the land of the bicycle! The route on the pedals is suitable for everyone and is on completely flat terrain. The technical difficulties of the tour are really limited, but adding to the stimulation of the ride are wind and rain, which can be very frequent. When you're not riding, enjoy exciting stretches of navigation aboard a riverboat and study with the guide the routes you can follow independently, at your own pace.


Overnight accommodation is provided aboard a comfortable riverboat: a comfortable floating hotel with restaurant, bar and lounge area. The atmosphere is designed down to the smallest detail to ensure that you have an unforgettable stay.

Itineraryview all
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What's includedview all
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  • 7 nights accommodation
  • Sheets and towels
  • Daily cabin cleaning service
  • 7 breakfasts
  • 6 self-made packed lunches
  • 7 dinners, drinks excluded
  • Welcome drink
  • Coffee and tea until 4 PM

If you are vegetarian, gluten-intolerant or allergic to some specific ingredients/substances please indicate it at the moment of booking. A supplement applies for gluten-free and lactose-free diets.

Once on board, make sure that the kitchen staff is aware of your allergies, in order to avoid unpleasant situations.

  • English-speaking tour leader on board

Each evening the tour leader gives a briefing of the next day’s stage, providing tips and information about the route and is your point of reference. During the day you cycle independently with tracks and route descriptions provided. The tour leader also cycles the routes and can be reached by phone in case of emergencies, problems or questions.

Before departure you will receive by email:

  • the link to download the tour information material in Pdf (Tour notes and Final tour details)

On board you will find:

  • maps and route description (1 per cabin)
  • GPS tracks

In the Final Tour Details you will find the contact phone numbers you can call during the tour in case of emergency.

In the event of unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances occurring at the place of destination or in its immediate surrounding area and having a substantial impact on the execution of the package or on the transport of travellers towards the destination, the traveller has the right to withdraw from the agreement before using the package, without paying withdrawal costs.

In all the other cases of withdrawal from the travel agreement, the traveller is always required to pay a withdrawal penalty. Read more

Withdrawal penalties

  • 20% up to 84 days prior to departure date
  • 40% from 83 to 42 days prior to departure date
  • 60% from 41 to 28 days prior to departure date
  • 90% from 27 to 1 day prior to departure date
  • 100% no-show

Travel to and from start and finish points not included

  • Meals not mentioned in the section “price includes”
  • Beverages on board
  • Entrance tickets
  • Tips
    The amount is up to your discretion, we suggest 5-7 % of the cost of the trip.

You can rent bikes and accessories from our local partner.

The helmet is not mandatory, but we recommend wearing it and bringing your own.

  • Accommodation in single cabin
  • Limitation of liability of the bike
    (negligence damage excluded): 14 €/week for the standard bike, 28 €/week for the e-bike
  • Everything not mentioned in the section “included”
Practical information
  • Total length: 290 km
  • Terrain: mainly on paved cycle paths or on secondary roads with little traffic

Embarkation is scheduled between 2 PM and 4:30 PM in Amsterdam. Here you will meet the tour leader and other participants.

Amsterdam is the starting point of the tour to be reached independently. 

By plane

The closest airport is Amsterdam Schipol (AMS).

From Amsterdam Schipol (AMS):

  • direct train Dutsch Railways (NS) to Amsterdam Centraal (about 20 min).

By train

The closest statin is Amsterdam Centraal. For information on timetables and prices you can consult the Dutch Railways NS official website.

If you are a citizen of the EU or of a Schengen country – i.e. most EU countries and four European Free Trade Association (EFTA) member states, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland – you are free to travel to other Schengen countries without having to go through border controls.

Even if you don’t need a passport for border checks within the Schengen area, it is still always highly recommended to take a passport or ID card with you.

If you are a non-EU national wishing to visit or travel within the EU, you will need a passport:

  • valid for at least 3 months after the date you intend to leave the EU country you are visiting,
  • which was issued within the previous 10 years
  • and possibly a visa

You should apply for a visa from the consulate or embassy of the country you are visiting. If your visa is from a Schengen area country, it automatically allows you to travel to the other Schengen countries as well.


Do not forget your travel, health and/or car insurance documents.

For further information visit Your Europe official website.


Always thoroughly check the document you travel with: expiration date and integrity.

The official language is Dutch.

Internet and telephone

With a European SIM card, roaming services are free throughout Europe. Please check your rates with your mobile/internet provider before departure.

The international phone prefix for the Netherlands is +31.



The voltage is 230 volts – 50 Hz. Type C and F power sockets.

We suggest to always carry a universal adapter for electronic devices.

The currency in the Netherlands is the euro (€).


  • Bags instead of suitcases (space on board is limited)

Personal equipment

  • a reusable water bottle
  • a holder to fix for your mobile phone on the handlebar
  • a power bank
  • basic first aid kit which includes sticky bandages, gauze and low grade disinfectant
  • sun glasses for eye protection
  • protective sun lotion
  • insect repellent


  • padded cycling shorts
  • comfortable shoes with stiff soles
  • light weight waterproof/windproof tops
  • leggings and long sleeved tops for cooler mornings or evenings
  • small close-fitting rucksack to carry small items during the day while cycling
  • swimsuit
  • clothes to cover your shoulders when you visit churches

Tour programme variations

  • Due to organisational reasons, weather conditions or provisions issued by local authorities, the itinerary may be subject to some changes before and/or during the holiday.

  • Issues with high and low water, as well as logistic obstacles such as officially ordered – previously not announced – repair work on locks or bridges can modify some of the daily stretches or overnight stays and may even request a transfer by bus. These decisions are only taken by the boat’s captain.

Travel insurance

  • It is advisable to take out an insurance policy against expenses arising from cancellation of the tour package, accidents, luggage (loss and damage), as well as a contract covering expenses in case of repatriation. Insurance policies are not included in the tour package offered by the operator.
15 Reviews
Published: 21 Oct 2024
Published: 30 Aug 2024
Published: 30 Aug 2024
Ottimo tour, organizzazione efficiente e ben strutturata, bellissimi i posti visitati. Per avere più tempo nelle visite meglio avere una e-bike (anche perchè il vento è spesso molto forte).
Ottimo tour, organizzazione efficiente e ben strutturata, bellissimi i posti visitati. Per avere più tempo nelle visite meglio avere una e-bike (anche perchè il vento è spesso molto forte).
See all 15 reviews
Discover more
Bike tours in the Netherlands

Holland is truly the perfect destination for a cycling holiday. The network of bicycle paths is extensive: more than 37,000 kilometers of safe and well-marked routes allow cycling between the city and the countryside.

Learn more
Bike and barge tours

A holiday along rivers, canals and coastal routes, with bike days and overnight stays in a hotel-float that follows cyclists stage by stage

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  • available
  • limited availability
8 days / 1 pers.
in double

Online quote

NL023 / Netherlands / Amsterdam and the Southern Tour

Round tour from Amsterdam / Bike and Barge / Self-guided / Level 1/5 / includes all breakfasts, lunches and dinners

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Your holiday


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Cabin types available for this tour:

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Comfort and departure date

Comfort Gold

Aboard De Amsterdam
  • comfort Gold
  • bathroom and shower en suite
  • A/C in the whole barge
  • 1 sundeck
  • WiFi available
  • 112 guests, 56 cabins

Comfort Platinum

Aboard Arkona
  • comfort Platinum
  • bathroom and shower en suite
  • A/C in the cabini
  • 1 sundeck
  • lounge area with bar
  • Wi-fi
  • 92 guests, 47 cabins
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Puoi aggiungere al viaggio i seguenti pasti non inclusi

no. of persons
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Extra nights (breakfast included)

The cost includes the same accommodation type as the main tour, overnight stay with breakfast

Nr. of overnights
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The cost refers to bike rental for the entire duration of the holiday, excluding any extra nights.

no. of bikes
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The cost refers to the rental of accessories for the entire duration of the holiday.

no. of accessories
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Transfers are by taxi or other private transport and the cost is advantageous if you occupy all the seats provided. If you are travelling alone, you may find public transport more convenient (see details in the 'practical information' section of the tour.)

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Assicura il tuo viaggio
in collaborazione con AXA

Polizza medico bagaglio

Sempre compresa nella quota

  • Spese mediche in viaggio per infortunio o malattia, trasporto sanitario organizzato, rimpatrio sanitario organizzato. Massimali spese mediche in viaggio: Italia 1.000 €, Europa 10.000 €, Mondo 50.000 €
  • Annullamento viaggio per malattia (non pregressa), infortunio, decesso dell’assicurato, di un suo familiare, del contitolare dell’azienda o studio...
  • Spese mediche in viaggio per infortunio o malattia, trasporto sanitario organizzato, rimpatrio sanitario organizzato. Massimali spese mediche in viaggio: Italia 1.000 €, Europa 10.000 €, Mondo 50.000 €
  • Annullamento viaggio per malattia (non pregressa), infortunio, decesso dell’assicurato, di un suo familiare, del contitolare dell’azienda o studio professionale
  • Annullamento viaggio per impossibilità di raggiungere il luogo di partenza del viaggio a seguito di incidente occorso al mezzo di trasporto durante il tragitto, o per calamità naturale
  • Annullamento viaggio per pandemia che colpisca l’assicurato, un suo familiare o compagno di viaggio
  • Assistenza in viaggio per necessità mediche, sanitarie, legali
  • Assistenza in caso di furto, scippo, rapina, blocco carte di credito
  • Danneggiamento e mancata riconsegna dei bagagli all’aeroporto
  • Rimborso spese di vitto, alloggio e nuovi titoli di viaggio in caso di fermo sanitario o quarantena (es. per Covid-19)

Polizza di annullamento

Facoltativa non rimborsabile


  • Estensione dei massimali spese mediche a: Italia 5.000 €, Europa 170.000 €, Mondo 170.000 €
  • Annullamento viaggio a seguito di malattia anche preesistente
  • Annullamento viaggio per revoca delle ferie di dipendenti a tempo indeterminato
  • Copertura parziale delle spese per il rientro anticipato in Italia o proseguimento in altra struttura alberghiera in casi di epidemia, pandemia, catastrofi naturali, insolvenza dell’organizzatore

Premio totale
di cui imposte
premio netto

Vedi dettagli polizza

Questionario di valutazione delle richieste ed esigenze del cliente

Sono interessato a sottoscrivere una polizza a protezione del rischio annullamento

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Si richiama l'attenzione dell'assicurato sulla necessità di leggere attentamente il set informativo prima di sottoscriverlo

Accettazione condizioni contratto e privacy

Dichiaro di aver preso visione della Documentazione Informativa Precontrattuale che disciplina il rapporto convenuto a mio favore tra Girolibero S.r.l. ed Inter Partner Assistance S.A. Rappresentanza Generale per l'Italia (Set informativo), e di aver letto e accettato, impegnandomi a farle conoscere agli altri Assicurati che non potranno opporre la non conoscenza, le condizioni della polizza assicurativa, importo del premio incluso. Inoltre dichiaro di conoscere l'informativa per il Trattamento dei Dati Personali, riportata nel set informativo ricevuto, e di prestare il consenso per il trattamento dei dati ivi indicati.

Dichiaro, inoltre, di approvare specificatamente ai sensi degli art.1341 e 1342 C.C. i seguenti articoli: 4) Durata del contratto - Tacito rinnovo, 3)Durata della copertura assicurativa, 10) Foro Competente, 12) Premi, 14) Modifiche al contratto.

Dichiaro di voler ricevere via e-mail in formato elettronico la documentazione contrattuale e ulteriore documentazione in corso di contratto. In caso di mancato flag la documentazione sarà inviata all’indirizzo inserito nel modulo di registrazione.

In base alle vigenti normative che regolano la vendita a distanza o fuori dai locali commerciali circa la stipula di polizze assicurative a breve termine di durata inferiore a un mese, il diritto di recesso non è previsto.

Nessuna polizza aggiuntiva

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from 799 32%


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of your holiday

Your holiday

NL023 / Netherlands / Amsterdam and the Southern Tour

Bike and Barge / Self-guided

Level 1 / 5

Comfort aboard

includes all breakfasts, lunches and dinners

Inizio vacanza a

(extra nights included)

End of the tour in

(extra nights included)

To pay on the spot

  • Meals not mentioned in the section “price includes”
  • Beverages on board
  • Entrance tickets
  • Tips
    The amount is up to your discretion, we suggest 5-7 % of the cost of the trip.
Early booking Reserved for those who book Girolibero Original trips 3 to 4 months in advance. Valid for trips of 6 days minimum and cannot be combined with other discounts or reductions. Discount is always up-to-date, check departures. Sconto valido per prenotazioni entro il Total 4050 €

Read carefully

Tour programme variations

  • Due to organisational reasons, weather conditions or provisions issued by local authorities, the itinerary may be subject to some changes before and/or during the holiday.

  • Issues with high and low water, as well as logistic obstacles such as officially ordered – previously not announced – repair work on locks or bridges can modify some of the daily stretches or overnight stays and may even… Read more

Tour programme variations

  • Due to organisational reasons, weather conditions or provisions issued by local authorities, the itinerary may be subject to some changes before and/or during the holiday.

  • Issues with high and low water, as well as logistic obstacles such as officially ordered – previously not announced – repair work on locks or bridges can modify some of the daily stretches or overnight stays and may even request a transfer by bus. These decisions are only taken by the boat’s captain.

Travel insurance

  • It is advisable to take out an insurance policy against expenses arising from cancellation of the tour package, accidents, luggage (loss and damage), as well as a contract covering expenses in case of repatriation. Insurance policies are not included in the tour package offered by the operator.

What's next?
You can book
in 3 easy steps

Enter your details

Click CONTINUE and fill out the form for you and your fellow travelers.

Proceed to payment

Deposit of 25% upon reservation request.


Balance 45 days before departure.

Carte di credito

Credit card

You will be charged the set amount only if the reservation is confirmed.

Bank transfer

You will be charged the set amount at the time of your request. If the reservation is not confirmed you can choose to get the full refund or choose another tour.

Wait for our confirmation

We need to verify the availability of accommodation and services, within 48 business hours we will send you the confirmation or an update on your request

Booking form

Your holiday

NL023 / Amsterdam and the Southern Tour

Activity Bike and Barge / Self-guided

Inizio vacanza a

(extra nights included)

End of the tour in

(extra nights included)

Comfort aboard

includes all breakfasts, lunches and dinners

Just a few minutes
to enter your details

1 . Participant Travel applicant

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Your travel companions
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2 . Participant

3 . Participant

4 . Participant

5 . Participant

6 . Participant

7 . Participant

8 . Participant

I confirm that I have read and accepted the general conditions of sale and withdrawal and the privacy policy
Pursuant to and for the purposes of articles 1341 and 1342 of the Italian Civil Code, I confirm that I have understood and specifically approve the following articles of the conditions of sale 8. modification or cancellation of the tour package before departure and withdrawal in all its paragraphs and in particular the paragraphs: a. modification of the tour package, b. withdrawal by the traveler, d. cancellation by the organizer; 10. changes after departure; 14. liability regime; 15. limits to compensation; 17. complaints and claims.
I manifest my consent to the processing of personal data belonging to special categories that may have been transmitted by me in the booking phase (consent necessary only if these types of data have been transmitted).

Proceed to payment

Secure payments
choose your preferred method

Enter your IBAN and your details to authorise SEPA Direct Debit to your bank account

thankyoupage prenotazione titolo

Wait for our confirmation

We need to verify the availability of accommodation and services, within 48 business hours we will send you the confirmation or an update on your request

Ricevi gli aggiornamenti sul viaggio

Tieni d’occhio le tue email: ti invieremo tutti gli aggiornamenti sul viaggio e il materiale informativo per partire.

Buon viaggio

Rilassati e inizia il conto alla rovescia: sei quasi in vacanza!

Thanks for your request

Wait for our email

Once we have received your payment, we will send you a booking confirmation.

Please note the balance

The balance is due 45 days before departure.

Receive the travel documents

We will send you all the travel information per e-mail 3 weeks before departure.

For groups of more than 8 participants, a tailor-made reservation is available. Fill out the form.
Questo viaggio prevede un numero minimo di 2 partecipanti
Change the number of rooms: the number entered is not compatible with the number of participants.
You have selected a number of rooms that is not compatible with the number of participants. Please check the number/type of rooms.
There are not enough rooms of the required type. Try a different combination.
Selected accessories are not compatible with the number of rental bikes.
The number of bikes selected is incompatible with the number of persons indicated.
The number selected does not correspond to the number of participants, are you sure?
Please indicate your choice to continue
The number selected does not correspond to the number of participants, are you sure?
All bike-related associations will be reset. Continue?
All accessories-related associations will be reset. Continue?
Modifica il numero di camere o di partecipanti
Inserire bambino o ragazzo di età 0-16 anni
This trip is suitable for children/teens 11-16 years old. To get the discount enter the date of birth.
La modifica dei servizi precedentemente selezionati comporterà il ricalcolo dell'importo della Polizza di annullamento e la necessità di riconfermare la scelta della formula assicurativa. Procedere?
Per questo comfort è rimasta solo una data. Ti invitiamo a scegliere le camere
Sei sicuro? La polizza annullamento è acquistabile solo in fase di prenotazione. Se hai cambiato idea, modifica ora il tuo preventivo e aggiungila
Your personal voucher is %1 €, valid until %2
Your holiday voucher is %1 €, valid until %2
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The age entered does not correspond to a child/young person
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To continue you must agree to the conditions, all ticks are required
Your quote is expired. Calculate a new one to proceed.
We have already taken care of your request
You are selecting two alternative extra night options.
Selected accessories are not compatible
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Il codice fiscale non è corretto: il codice di controllo non corrisponde.
La lunghezza del codice fiscale non è corretta: il codice fiscale dovrebbe essere lungo esattamente 16 caratteri.
I caratteri validi sono le lettere e le cifre.
Il codice fiscale contiene un carattere non valido
Inserisci il prefisso internazionale seguito dal numero di telefono es. +3912345678
I campi data vanno compilati nel formato statunitense mm/gg/aaaa
Selezionare una provincia
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Selezionare un CAP
You entered the same email address multiple times. Correct, or fill in only for the first participant.
You entered the same telephone number multiple times. Correct, or fill in only for the first participant.
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I'm done
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